Saturday, March 5, 2011


I never knew this family,but today I cannot stop thinking about them.Nicole DiCarlo and her family and friends are celebrating the life of her sweet boy Travis Gary DiCarlo who passed away at only 16 months of age. I cannot imagine the pain that this family is experiencing and I wish more than anything that I would take their pain away.

No one deserves to have to deal with this. No one deserves to lose a child. I wish that parents didn't have to experience this. I know that people say life isn't fair,but this certainly isn't.It's not fair that a mother should have to bury their child.It's not fair that a mother should outlive their child.

But then again nothing about the CHD  world is fair. It's not fair that 3 year olds see more doctors than kids their own age.It's not fair that they are subjected to surgeries and caths and pokes.It's not fair that normal for these kids is a lifetime of health concerns.

Knowing other kids who are going through the same things is a huge morale booster. I didn't have such a big group of other CHDers when I was little but nowadays there is a bigger circle because of the advancements in medicine.More CHDers are living longer and developing friendships with other CHDers through heart camps and support groups.

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